26, What a Doozy!

Sometimes, I forget the real reason I started this blog was to document life. Basically, I want to look back when I'm old & gray & remember what I was thinking in my youth. 

So, with that being said..... 

Today is my birthday! I'm twenty seven! But,  before Jake and I head off to the bars to celebrate this new & wonderful year, I'd like to first take a second to reflect on the biggest moments of my last. It was a doozy! 

1 month into twenty six (July)
Vacationed with most of my family (+ Jake) at Lake Michigan.
Celebrated the union of two of my best friends.

2 months into twenty six (August)
Visited Yosemite for the first time.

3 months into twenty six (September)
Celebrated the union of two MORE friends.
Moved out of my studio in the TenderNob. 

4 months into twenty six (October)
Watched a freak fire destroy a u-haul filled with all my belongings. 
Decided to marry Jake!

5 months into twenty six (November)
Started a podcast with my sister-in-law to be. 
Took bomb engagement photos c/o my bestie.
Got totally scammed whilst buying a wedding dress online

Twenty six and one half! (December)

7 months into twenty six (January)
Made exercise a semi-regular part of my life.

8 months into twenty six (February)
Visited beautiful Maui with all my in-laws to be.
Joined a gym in SF.

9 months into twenty six (March)
Woke up with eyes & mouth nearly swollen shut!
(Found out I'm severely allergic to poison oak)
Said goodbye to a dear uncle.
Got showered with love for our approaching nupitals. 

10 months into twenty six (April)
Celebrated my final days as a BACHELORETTE!

11 months into twenty six (May)
Married Jake! 

It's been one HELL of a year. Twenty six had some of the best moments of my life, and some pretty low ones too. But in one adjective, I'd describe 26 as solid.

Jake and I solidified our devotion to each other. I solidified my relationship with his family during our first Heath vacation. I celebrated all the relationships in my life: friends, family, and loved ones alike. I made my body (sorta) solid by setting weekly workouts. & I solidified my love for nature with every glorious trip around this world (Hawaii, Yosemite, Half Moon Bay, Tomales Bay, Lake Michigan, Vancouver, etc). 

So now, I'm sitting here looking at twenty seven like: "Whew, tough act to follow there, twenty seven. You up for it?" 

& twenty seven is all like: "Life is full of surprises, Annie. Just you wait."

Isn't life grand :) 
Now let's get a beer!