Married Life

Life After the Wedding

Sydney Marie Photography

Well, guys, we're two months in. As of this week, I've been "Annie Heath" (in name, if not in legality) for eight whole weeks. Time for a life update: Jake and I are back in San Francisco. After a quick three days in Vancouver, we came straight to SF and jumped back into our life.

It was really hard coming down from our seven crazy months of wedding planning + whirlwind week as bride and groom, but more on that later.

In June, I accepted a new job (in the city, woot!) & Jake got a promotion. We took a week off for the Fourth of July and relaxed in Kewanee, Wisconsin. Ever heard of it? Neither had we, ha! It was a fun and quiet way to spend a few days together before we celebrated the wedding of two close friends at Elkhart Lake. We partied till the sun came up (lolz - til I took a red-wine-fueled nose dive into the basement bedroom at our VRBO) and spent the rest of the weekend on a rented pontoon boat with Jake's best college friends.

Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography

So, life after the wedding has been, overall..... good!
I think that's because our life before the wedding was good, too.

That's what I've learned, anyway. Because, for all the hoopla and emotion... and money... that goes into a wedding, it really means nothing for the rest of your marriage. Life after the wedding is only as good as life was before the wedding. 

After all the guests leave, and the presents stop coming in the mail, and you start attending weddings that aren't your own.... your partner is the one thing you can carry with you.

Lucky for me, that leaves Jake. 

Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography

But, here's the real question...
How did we end up with these magnificent photos? 
Answer: Luck. & super talented Instagram friends.

A few years ago, I met the incredible Sydney Norberg over Instagram. She was coming to shoot photos in Cincinnati the week I was leaving it. I introduced her to my bestie, sighed – because, well you take a look at Sydney's Instagram handle and tell me how you'd feel missing the opportunity to shoot with her – and moved to SF. 

Fast forward two years, and Sydney is HERE! Just for a vacation... but she squeezed in some time for a couple's shoot at Sutro Baths. & BONUS.... her uber-talented, incredible videpgrapher-friend, Ben Maurice, was traveling with her from New Zealand. 

Sydney Marie Photography
Sydney Marie Photography

& that's how Jake and I received the very sweetest two month-a-versary gift that we could ever imagine: a styled shoot in the place where we began our life after the wedding.

Our real life.
In San Francisco. 
Where we truly became "The Heaths."

P.S. Good luck trying not to melt while you watch Ben's video, below.

// photography: Sydney Norberg of Sydney Marie Photography.
// video: Ben Maurice of Sink or Surface.
// on Annie: coat (on sale!) & similar dress & similar denim & similar booties
// on Jake: pantsshirt & shoes.